
The 2020 national census showed a total Questa population of 1,753.
Our population density is a very low 345 per square mile.

82.09% of our residents are of Hispanic origin, with family histories generally traced back one hundred and fifty or more years in the Questa area.

Almost 18% of our population is of non-Hispanic descent, mostly Anglo origin, with very small numbers of Native American, African American, and Asian origin.

Only .09% of our residents are foreign born (New Mexico as a whole equals a low 9.3%).

Our population is nearly even in numbers of Male and female residents, with a median age of 44.3.

For our population over 15 years of age;
31.5% are never married
45.4% are now married
4% are separated
13.3% are divorced
5.9% are widowed

Re. education, for population over 25 years of age;
80.2% have a high school or higher level of schooling
11.5% have a bachelor’s degree or higher
2.5% have graduate or professional degrees

Our unemployment rate is 10.5%

Roughly 40% of households have children under the age of 18 living with them.  Approximately 49% are married couples living together.  Apprx. 13% of households have  a female head-of-house with no husband present.   Apprx. 25% of all households are made up of individuals.  Our average household size is apprx. 2.50, and the average family size is 3.00.

The largest age group within our population is that between the ages of 45 and 65.  This age group also saw the most growth in the small non-Hispanic-origin demographic.

The estimated median household income in 2020 was $27,886, a rise over 2000’s $23,448.  (This is rather lower than the overall New Mexico average at $41,963.)

Estimated per capita income for 2011 was $17,251.

Roughly 22% of our population is living below the poverty line, with a slightly larger percent for children.

Estimated median home values for 2020 were $122,900. (A rise from $80,500 in 2000, though lower than the overall New Mexico median of $159,000.)

Median real-estate property taxes for housing units with a mortgage in 2011 were $277, and for homes with a mortgage; $456.