Certified Procurement Officer: Valerie Vigil
(575) 586-0694
The Village of Questa will post all RFP’s and Bid requests (formal and Informal) on this page. State law requires a campaign disclosure form on ALL procurements (purchases) of services. if you need further clarification please contact the Village Office at (575) 586-0694.
Parties interested in submitting a bid or RFP should contact the Village Office at (575) 586-0694 in order to be included in the Specholder List in case of addendums to the request.
The VILLAGE OF QUESTA will be bidding out projects that are funded in part with federal money. A new requirement for the use of federal funds is that all contractors and subcontractors be registered with the federal System for Award Management (SAM) prior to entering into a contract with the VILLAGE OF QUESTA. Registration with SAM is free at www.sam.gov. The following information is required to register your business with SAM:
- Your Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number from Dun & Bradstreet, and the name and address associated with that DUNS. If you don’t have a DUNS number, one can be obtained at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform.
- Your Taxpayer Identification Number and the name associated with that TIN (from your W-2 or W-9)
- Your Contractor and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, if you already have one (if you don’t, one will be assigned to you during registration
RFP’s, ITB’s, Solicitations, and Sole Source ( Formal and Informal )
- Sole Source Form – Village of Questa SCADA System Repairs
- Waste Water Headworks Emergency Purchase-CLOSED
- RFP No. 2021-01 Non Profit Partnership -CLOSED
- 2020-09 Grant Writer – Closed
- VOQ Emergency Procurement Request 4-24-2020-CLOSED
- RFP # 2020-01 RR Aquatic Habitat Restoration Engineer-CLOSED
- RFP# 2019-01 Water Improvements Professional Services RESCINDED-CLOSED
- RFP# 2018-06 State Agency and Legislative Representational Services ( Lobbyist) -CLOSED
RFP# 2018-08 Construction Management-CLOSED
Sole Source Request-PRIMEX-CLOSED
RFP #2018-09 Airport Engineer On-Call Final_CLOSED